
Venezia Venezia-3 Venezia-2 Venezia-1

Venezia-4 Venezia-5

May 1, 2012

Rosa was the one that mentioned that I too have some rare mugs in my collection and mentioned these mugs. I had no idea that I didn’t blog these since they are my favorite! So since I am so bad with geography and I won’t cheat by looking up where Venezia is, I will assume that it’s in Italy somewhere. I am missing one mug from this series but I don’t trust to buy an unused one from Ebay. I don’t use my mugs and I shocked to find people that collect them use them. Rosa used but not anymore. Mine are in a glass cabinet to avoid dust! I have to tape the doors so my nephew doesn’t open them and pull them all out. Can you imagine that???

This May is a busy month. My oldest niece will get her first communion on May 12. She’s scared because she has to go to confession now. Her bday is May 15 so we will celebrate the Saturday after. There is Mother’s Day on May 13. My friend is the first time mother. May is also Asian Heritage month. I am also a witness for a Godmother that can’t be here for the ceremony. It’s so complicated to be a Catholic so it must be worth while somehow right??

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